A mentor is the secret ingredient behind all successful people.
When a child has a mentor, they are more likely to avoid drug abuse. They are more likely to attend school regularly.1 They are more likely to learn the big and small life lessons that you can’t learn in a classroom—lessons that prepare them for real life.
CYC students face incredible obstacles, from poverty to substance abuse in the family, incarcerated parents to homelessness. A mentor provides the stability and confidence needed to overcome those obstacles and create a successful life. 95% of CYC students graduate high school, compared to the national rate of 82%. Additionally, 83% successfully transition to a college, a job, or the military. These students are equipped with real-life skills, able to reach their full potential.
This incredible success is all thanks to our mentors. In the spirit of gratitude, we encourage you to take a moment and think of your own mentors, whether they be coaches, teachers, relatives, or employers. Can you imagine your life without them? Who would you be?
January 21 is National Thank Your Mentor Day.
Take the time to thank your mentors for the investment they made in you. Select one of the two provided e-cards below, and send a brief message to let your mentors know you appreciate the impact they had on you. Your words will mean more to them than you will ever know.
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