CYC’s Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates Program Celebrates 97% Graduation Rate

Cincinnati Youth Collaborative’s Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates Program Celebrates 97% Graduation Rate During the 2021-2022 school year 97% of seniors in CYC’s Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates programs graduated from High School (12% higher than the regional average).  Additionally, of those graduates almost 90% had transitioned successfully post high-school to

CYC Names Amy Thompson Next CEO

Taps established leader to expand agency reach and deepen engagement with region’s business community Amy Thompson has been named the new CEO of Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC), a leading Cincinnati nonprofit committed to empowering vulnerable youth and young adults to overcome obstacles and succeed in education, career and life.

Answering the Call

Answering the Call​ If CYC has learned anything from our founders, volunteers, families and students it is that Social Justice is not a buzz word but a moral and ethical imperative. Far too many human beings have and continue to suffer tragically as a result of injustice, inequitable systems


And College Begins: Isis Williams, 2015 Outstanding Student

This month’s author, Isis Williams, is a 2015 Outstanding Student. Overcoming many obstacles, Isis graduated from Aiken New Tech this spring, and this fall, she entered her freshman year at The Ohio State University as a Biology/Pre-Med major.  Isis has tremendous strength and tenacity, and we appreciate her perspective

Cincinnati Youth Collaborative Welcomes Four Board Members

Cincinnati Youth Collaborative (CYC), the recipient of the 2015 Cincinnati USA Business Award for Non Profit of the Year, welcomed four new members to the Board of Directors. “As an organization founded on the ideals collective impact, we know that CYC’s success thus far has been due to a