Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates

#AlwaysCYC The Impact 96% of JCG seniors graduated from High School in the 2021-22 school year. Through a one-credit high school elective, CYC career specialists keep at-risk students, including foster care youth, in school and on the path to employment, college enrollment or enlistment in the military. Students are taught 37 critical core competencies including: Constructing

College and Career Success

#AlwaysCYC The Impact Preparing students to graduate high school and succeed in college.  Beginning in junior high and continuing through college, advisors guide students to plan and prepare for post-secondary opportunities. College Advisors work on-site in the schools to provide:  Academic planning College entrance exam preparation Financial aid advising


#AlwaysCYC The Impact Research shows that mentored students have better academic and attendance records, higher promotion rates/lower dropout rates, and increased levels of self-esteem. In just one hour or less a week, CYC mentors provide encouragement and guidance to students overcoming obstacles to success. Schools Served Cincinnati Public School District North