
The Impact

96% of JCG seniors graduated from High School in the 2021-22 school year.

Through a one-credit high school elective, CYC career specialists keep at-risk students, including foster care youth, in school and on the path to employment, college enrollment or enlistment in the military. Students are taught 37 critical core competencies including:

  • Constructing a resume and completing a job interview
  • Demonstrating time management
  • Communicating verbally and in writing
  • Developing team leadership
  • Identifying career interests and abilities
  • Exhibiting personal accountability

Schools Served

High School to Career Program​

Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates

Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates (JCG) is dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who have serious barriers to graduation and/or employment. 

In more than three decades of operation, JCG has delivered consistent, 

compelling results – helping young people stay in school through graduation, 

pursue post-secondary education or training and secure quality entry-level jobs leading to career advancement opportunities. Through classroom facilitation, Project-based Learning and Work Experience Opportunities students are taught 37 core competencies in the following cluster areas: 

  • Career Development
  •  Job Attainment and Job Survival
  • Leadership and Self Development
  • Personal and Life Survival Skills
  • Work Place Competencies

Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates is a credited in-school elective class preparing students for life after high school. JCG is a local chapter of the statewide Jobs for Ohio’s Graduates program (JOG) and the national Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG). Along with core competency training, JCG facilitates a student-lead Career Association with the following goals: 

  • Leadership Development
  • Career Preparation
  • Civic Awareness
  • Social Awareness
  • Community Service / Service Learning